There are three ways to report your student's absence, early dismissal or late arrival.
1) Call the attendance line, 720-561-7402.
2) Report Absence Using Infinite Campus Parent Portal (see instructions below).
3) Email the attendance office at
Report Absence by calling LMS Attendance Line at 720-561-7402
If your student will be late or absent, please call the Louisville Middle School Attendance line at 720-561-7402. Speaking slowly, please leave a detailed voicemail with the following information:
- Student's first and last name
- Student's grade
- Date of absence
- Reason for absence.
- Be sure to include your name, phone number, and relationship to student.
If you need to provide documentation for the absence (doctor/dentist note or appointment), please give this to the front office, fax it to 720-561-7401, or email to Emailed explanations will not be accepted without an accompanying phone call to the LMS Attendance line.
Early Dismissal Protocol
If your student requires an early dismissal from school, parents are asked to send in a note the day of the absence including the date, time and reason for dismissal. Your student should bring the note to the front office first thing in the morning and we will prepare a pass for them. At the approved time of dismissal, they present the pass to their teacher, come to the front office and sign out. Parents are asked to meet their students at the front doors.
If you forget to send in a note, you can report it just like you would a typical absence.
- (NEW) Report Absence Using Infinite Campus Parent Portal
- Student Attendance Regulations
- Excusing Full Day(s) Absence(s)
- Incorrectly Marked Absences
- Prearranged Absence Forms
(NEW) Report Absence Using Infinite Campus Parent Portal
As a reminder, BVSD's illness protocol follows CDPHE's How Sick is Too Sick guidelines, which includes information on COVID-related illness and other common illnesses and guidelines for school attendance. BVSD's health guidance aligns with that of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE).
If someone tests positive for COVID, Flu, RSV, or is experiencing any respiratory illness:
They should stay home until symptoms are improving and for at least 24 hours after fever has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medications
When going back to normal activities, take added precautions over the next five days, such as hand and respiratory hygiene, masks, physical distancing, and/or testing when you will be around other people indoors.
Please remember:
- Regardless of COVID status - stay home when sick
- Reach out to your health care provider to discuss testing and treatment options if you think you might have COVID-19 (e.g., you know you have been exposed to COVID-19, or know that COVID-19 is circulating in your community, school, or family and you have symptoms).
- If you think you may have COVID-19, avoid interacting with anyone who is more likely to develop severe disease. Though older adults have the highest risk for severe illness, some children may have medical conditions that increase their risk.
Parents and guardians can log in to their Infinite Campus Parent Portal site to notify School staff of an expected student absence. This will ensure the authenticity of reported absences, while also providing families with improved communication when a student misses class.
See below for a step-by-step guide that can help you through the process.
The BVSD Report Absence Form allows parents and guardians to securely report a student’s absence from school for a single day. Users submitting an absence report will receive a confirmation email at the contact email address listed in Infinite Campus. The form can be toggled between English and Spanish. Confirmation emails will be sent in English or Spanish depending on the preferred language of the user listed in Infinite Campus.
Students are not able to self-report absences from Campus Student.
How to use the BVSD Excused Absence Form
1. Log in to the Campus Parent Portal website from any internet-connected computer, tablet, or mobile device with your Infinite Campus username and password. Or login to the Parent Portal app.
2. In left-hand menu, click More (If menu not visible, click Hamburger icon )
3. In “Quick Links” section, click “Report Absence”
4. Complete fields and click “Submit”
5. To report absence for a second child, click the intended individual’s tab. The active student tab is blue.
To Switch Form Between Spanish and English
Once logged into the form, use the select list in the upper right corner of the screen to select desired language.
If you run into any issues using the form, don’t know your Infinite Campus log in information, or need a password reset, please contact your school’s office directly.
Student Attendance Regulations
As required by Colorado State Law and BVSD Policy, students are expected to attend every day that school is in session. For further information in the District’s Attendance Policies (JH 6/25/13PDF download and JH-R, 6/26/13PDF download), please refer to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Guide and State Law (C.R.S. 22-33-104), which require attendance at school for all students until the age of seventeen.
Excusing Full Day(s) Absence(s)
If you need to report an absence for your student, please continue to contact our Louisville Middle School Attendance line at 720-561-7402. Speaking slowly, please leave a detailed voicemail with the following information:
- Student's first and last name
- Student's grade
- Date of absence
- Reason for absence.
- Be sure to include your name, phone number, and relationship to student.
If you need to provide documentation for the absence (doctor/dentist note or appointment), please email this information to
Parents and Guardians may excuse the student’s day out of school, up to ten days without documentation. We strongly recommend parents calling on the day of the absence to excuse their student. If it is not possible to call on the day of absence, a call must be made within two days (48 hours) after the absence or it will remain unexcused.
Excused absences include:
- Temporary illness or injury
- Extended absences due to physical, mental, or emotional disability
- Medical or dental appointments that cannot be scheduled outside of the regular school day (documentation from care provider required)
- Absences directly related to the primary handicapping condition of an identified handicapped student
- Emergency, serious illness, or death in the family
- An absence that occurs when the student is in the custody of court of law enforcement authorities
- Absences due to suspension (in accordance with state law)
- An absence resulting from participation in a work/study program, field trip, or athletic competition under the supervision of school
- Extremely inclement weather
- Participation in religious observances
- An absence that is approved by an administrator of the school
Incorrectly Marked Absences
Prearranged Absence Forms
Prearranged absences include interviews with college admission officials, interviews with career employer representatives, special family activities, and extenuating circumstances as determined by the principal or their designee. Please print this form or ask the front office to provide you with a copy.
- The student should email the form to their teachers. Parents must be included in the email as parent approval is required.
- Teachers must complete the form before submission for it to be excused.
- Once finished, the completed form should be sent to Mrs. Cole at for approval.
- Once the student receives an approval email from Mrs. Cole, the absences will be excused per our prearranged policy.
- Prearranged absences may necessitate a parent conference.