6th Grade Social Studies
Sixth graders will analyze historical sources and eras through the study of the Western Hemisphere, focusing on the components of civilizations both ancient and modern, analyzing patterns in history, and looking at how the past influences the present. Emphasis is placed on resource distribution, competition, cooperation and conflict and human-environment interaction. Students will use geographic tools to analyze information and data pertaining to Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean and Canada. Civic and global awareness is highlighted, as is the role of the U.S. in the Western Hemisphere. Multiple perspectives and appreciation of diverse backgrounds will also be explored. Students will also study how savings and investing can contribute to financial well-being.
Learn more about the 6th grade social studies curriculum
7th Grade Social Studies
Seventh graders will study the Eastern Hemisphere and focus on developing the skills necessary to analyze and interpret this area of the world from a geographic, historical and cultural perspective. Students will develop an understanding of the physical and cultural processes that shape regions and people and an appreciation for our roles and responsibilities as world citizens. Students will also study the emergence of major religions. In addition, principles of financial literacy will be addressed.
Learn more about the 7th grade social studies curriculum
8th Grade Social Studies
Eighth Graders will learn the social impacts and multiple perspectives of people associated with significant events in pre-1890 American history. Students will learn about contributions made by many groups who shaped and continue to influence the American experience. Students will engage in historical inquiry as they analyze multiple sources, perspectives and geographical tools. Students will consider how resources impact human settlement and interaction. Students will learn about personal credit and debt. Students also will examine the role of the Constitution in our government and our societal values.
Learn more about the 8th grade social studies curriculum